

  • The price of the product includes delivery within the European Union.
  • Estimated delivery time within the European Union is 1-3 days.
  • Delivery costs to other countries are calculated and paid separately.
  • Delivery time in this case is negotiated separately and depends on transport services.
  • Delivery time for customized goods is 10-14 days.
  • To calculate the delivery, you can contact our manager by mail: or the other way, the contacts are at the bottom of the page.

Now our brand is just beginning to develop and therefore there are not many places where we are present! In the near future, we plan to expand our partner network to a presence in the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America. If you like our products and are ready to help us expand, we would be happy to consider your suggestions!
Certificates are currently in the process of being obtained
© 2023
UrEcoChoice is an eco-brand that brings together several aspects of life
3080-302, Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Made on